In a vast universe, the powerful star Solis was born, imbued with the energy of the sun. Envy led to his abduction by the Sinister, leaving him stranded on Earth, devoid of memories. Despite this, Solis discovered remnants of his powers and became a defender against evil. Realizing his true home lay in the Sun, he journeyed through the solar system, overcoming challenges and enemies. After numerous battles, he returned to the Sun, regaining his full power and becoming its guardian, dedicated to protecting all in need across the universe.

How to Play: SOLARMAN

Welcome to SOLARMAN! In this action-packed adventure game, you'll step into the shoes of a brave warrior battling hordes of enemies to save the realm. Follow these steps to learn how to play:

  1. Movement: Use the WASD keys to navigate through the game world. Explore every corner of the kingdom and prepare to face exciting challenges. Press the spacebar to jump and utilize the CTRL key to perform a quick dodge, allowing you to evade enemy attacks.
  2. Sword Attacks:
    • Running Attack: Press the left mouse button while moving with the WASD keys to execute a swift and powerful strike with your sword.
    • Walking Attack: When standing still, press the left mouse button to perform a more precise and controlled strike with your sword.
  3. Speed Boots: These boots grant you additional speed to move swiftly across the battlefield. They activate automatically upon picking them up. Take advantage of this boost to evade enemy attacks and reach objectives more quickly!
  4. Chestplate with Force Field: Press the F key to activate the Force Field of your chestplate. This field renders you immune to all damage for a few seconds, allowing you to face dangerous situations without worry. Use it strategically to survive tough battles.
  5. Flamethrower: While standing still, you can deploy your flamethrower to wreak havoc among enemy ranks. Press the designated fire key to unleash a devastating blaze and vanquish your opponents.
  6. Inventory: Access your inventory by holding the TAB key. Here, you can manage your items and equipment. You can equip new weapons, armor, and consumable items that you find during your journey.
  7. Pause Menu and Saving Progress: Press the ESC key to access the pause menu. From here, you can save your progress by entering your chosen nickname. This allows you to pick up where you left off in your epic quest to save the realm.
  8. Round Objectives: The game consists of three rounds, each with its own set of challenges:

    • Round 1: Lasts until you achieve 11 kills. Characters are slower, have less health, and deal less damage in this round.
    • Round 2: Difficulty increases compared to the first round.
    • Round 3: Difficulty increases further from the second round.
    • Upon completing each round, you'll be rewarded with a new superpower in the form of an accessory. This accessory will spawn on the map, and you must collect and equip it to harness its power.

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